Thank you David for recently sending us the lovely letter below.

Dear Karen

I write to thank you for the very warm reception which I received from Debbie when I visited your office on Saturday. Debbie was very helpful and encouraging to me as we discussed my current personal situation following the death of Anna and my hopes for the future.

In addition, I wish to thank you for your interest in my wish to explore the possibility of meeting women for friendship rather than marriage.

For the rest of my life I shall be eternally grateful to you for introducing me to Anna. Her wonderful daughters are a daily inspiration to me. For these reasons alone Sara Eden has been a vital factor in my life.

In addition, I was delighted to hear that Debbie and yourself recalled me from my previous membership all those  years ago.  I have made an appointment to visit the Windsor office on 26th of this month. By coincidence this will also be the eighth anniversary of Anna’s passing.

On a lighter theme I am very much looking forward to starting my new adventure with Sara Eden.

Best Wishes
