Dear Karen and Team
When I saw this at the weekend I just had to get it for you.
Please find enclosed, The Mills & Boon Modern Girls Guide To Happy Endings!
I saw it, read it in the shop and I’m sure people walking past must have thought I was some kind of mad woman as I couldn’t stop giggling to myself. Seriously though, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for making my membership such fun. I have thoroughly enjoyed every single minute of it and of course the best bit was meeting David.
We have been seeing each other now for a little over 7 months, it’s still early days but I have good feelings about us. We just seem to be on the same wavelength, we have the same sense of humour and I feel like I have known him all my life.
Please put this on display for all to enjoy.
I will keep in touch and hopefully we will send you a photo and a joint thank you letter in due course.
Thank you and keep us the good work!
Carol x