When you say you are dating, what is your goal? Are you hoping to find love and commitment or are you just hoping for fun? If we assume that other people’s intentions are similar to our own, you may be disappointed sometimes – we’re not all at the same stage in our dating journeys.
Courage, resilience and lots of positivity are required to overcome dating disappointments, but nothing beats trying again for bringing success closer. So heads up and pay attention – your dates hate it when you can’t be bothered to try…..
Dress for success – treat each first date as you would any important event, where you want to make a good impression, dress in a way that shows you care about how you are perceived. Your date will notice and will appreciate the respect you are signalling.
Leave your assumptions behind – see your date as an individual, with opinions and ideas that may or may not confirm your own. Initially, dating is partly a fact-finding exercise, so take the time to find out and share as much as you can in the time you have – and remember what you discover!
Learn how to make small talk – if this is daunting, practice talking to everyone you come across (within reason!) Soon it will become less of a chore and the responses you get will give you a boost. Small talk is much despised, but it puts others at their ease, builds rapport and encourages your dates to reveal more about themselves, which is exactly how you’ll find out who is right for you.
And repeat. Practice makes perfect.
Karen X