For Those in Search of Paradise

Karen Mooney sold just about everything she owned, and only had two months’ mortgage repayment money in hand when she launched her introduction agency, Sara Eden. Initial publicity stressed Sara Eden’s “Beautiful People” image. Anyone eyeing them up at a party would assume they were already fixed up. “We certainly do have clients that are…

Mens Fitness

The strength of a dating agency is that you have a better idea of people’s long-term intentions. By going through an agency, you can cram a whole lifetime of dating into three months because you know exactly what you want. Sara Eden specialises in blue-chip professionals in banking, law, medicine and the media and currently…

The best introduction and marriage bureaux surveyed

Alice Robinson This agency has a reputation for bringing the beautiful people together. Director Karen Mooney, who is vice-chairman of the Association of British Introduction Agencies (ABIA), chose the name because it means ‘royal princess in the garden of paradise’. It was an apt choice. Mooney, a blonde fairy godmother with a degree in personnel…

The Love Business

Karen Mooney runs Sara Eden Introductions, a dating agency in London and Windsor that she set up in 1988. Business, she says, is booming. ‘Love conquers all things,’ she says, ‘ even in the credit crunch. In fact we’ve seen a 19% growth in sales over the last six months of 2008 and we’ve had…