Surviving Lockdown Part 2

Surviving Lockdown Part 2 If you are currently single and would like that to change, this is the perfect time to be considering what you can do.   Firstly, review what you have done in the past, how you have gone about finding a partner and the pros and cons of your approach. How did…

Surviving Lockdown Part 1

Lockdown as a concept was fine, but as a reality it’s less than glamorous. Used to being able to do what we want, exactly when we want, there is now a distinct feeling that some of the fun and purpose has gone from day to day existence.   Yes, we are now facing restrictions in…

Love Yourself Better…

Love – the true kind, is not something you can control. It can’t be bought, demanded or defined. At times it can feel pernicious, such as when it’s withdrawn. It’s a fact that there is absolutely nothing you can do to make someone love you, no matter how hard you try.  Love is a force…

The Coronavirus Opportunity

Our lives are topsy turvy just now, for how long we don’t know. There are impacts on love – couples new and old are stranded in far away places, unable to go out and with only each other for company,or stuck at home with the same dilemma. A situation with the potential to make or…

Love In Time Of Coronavirus

Those who inhabit this sceptred isle have a tendency to thrive in adversity. We are going to have to adapt to survive with the threat of Covid 19.   I’d give the speed dating a miss for a while – all that sanitising every chair you sit on might not make the romance happen.  …

Leap Year Love.

This year is special because it’s a leap year, and we have a 29th day in February. Coming from a 5th century deal allegedly made between St Bridget and St Patrick and originally known as Bachelor’s Day, this Irish tradition allowed ladies to take the initiative in matters of dancing and marriage requests, once every…

Later Life Dating Tips For Ladies….

Four Golden Rules. So the kids have grown up and you’ve just returned to the dating scene after being married for years. But, help – dating is a whole different ball game now you’re older. Well don’t be disheartened just follow my four Golden Rules and make that good first impression, otherwise there will never…

If you are dating in your 50’s….

It’s so much more complex than it was in your 20s! BUT, you are wiser, and you are more tolerant. You know yourself so much better and experience has given you insight into your own needs and wants; consequently, you will make better choices henceforth. Dating at this age and stage of life is good…

Sara Eden New Year Dating Resolutions…

A New Year can offer many new opportunities for love and romance. If you are serious about finding love in 2020, try making a few resolutions…… “I will forget about my type”. Frankly put, having a type is easy, but it isn’t the best strategy. Now is the time to branch out. There’s an infinite…

Finding Love AT Christmas….

You might view the prospect of Christmas without a date as utterly depressing. I see it as more of an opportunity: there are 7.5 million single people in the UK currently looking for love and now is the time they are most likely to be out and about, so you should be too.   Say…

More wise thoughts on finding love……

You may be starting to feel Blog fatigue. You know how it goes – starting with the best of intentions (yours), looking for something – anything –  that resonates with how you are feeling, to throw a chink of light on what a true and meaningful romantic relationship might actually look like, you are bombarded…

Mindful Dating.

In a nutshell, mindful dating is where you listen actively, don’t let your mind wander or jump to conclusions too early. It’s dating with pauses…for time to work out what is happening. Sounds old fashioned but it is definitely worth trying if your current approach is not making you happy. Unlike the ghoster, who will…

Keep on keeping on……

When you say you are dating, what is your goal? Are you hoping to find love and commitment or are you just hoping for fun?  If we assume that other people’s intentions are similar to our own, you may be disappointed sometimes – we’re not all at the same stage in our dating journeys. Courage,…

Good Conversation Topics

  It’s a fact that good conversations build trust and understanding in relationships of all kinds. There is a natural pattern of give and take (if there isn’t, then it is not the good kind) that can be a precursor to enhanced communication. However, as we are building our understanding of another person and no…

Love Ain't Easy

Loving someone wholeheartedly and unconditionally and being loved equally in return is a dream we’ve all indulged in. You may feel that sounds a bit cynical, but if we are honest, the version we tend to favour is the one in which all our wishes are realised, with no barriers, no heartache and no nagging…

Making Yourself the Priority

  You’ve tried online dating and it has been more than a bit demoralising. You’re wondering what’s wrong – your friends all have partners………. If you are willing to take a long, hard look at yourself, you might find some answers. By the way, you are fine – you are who you are – there…

Because you’re Worth It…

  You’ve looked at the prices.  Joining a dating agency is not cheap. You’re probably thinking that there is no way you’re going to pay someone any more of your hard earned money than you have to. What you pay is merely the price – consider what the value is before you make your decision.…

Dating in later life.

Yesterday I ran into an old friend who said she was not satisfied with the quality of men she was meeting in the world of dating…when I asked why – the first 3 things she mentioned were all physical aspects! As we grow older we all physically age as well as mentally mature and grow.…

Improve Your Chances In The Dating Game

When your dating life is going well (which is exactly how you want it to be) you feel more of many things – more positive, more energised, more adventurous, more witty, more beautiful…the list could go on for the rest of this blog. If you are with a dating agency, you will probably have tender…

Modern Dating Manners.

If you’re looking for love you have probably already been on the receiving end of what passes for manners these days. Why are strangers so cavalier with your feelings in the dating arena? Exactly because that’s what they are – strangers. They have no investment and therefore no interest in making you feel better. To…