How To Spot A ‘Keeper’

  It can be hard to be sure that the person you have fallen for is a ‘keeper’, especially if, despite your feelings, something holds you back. It could be that you have only ever dated one type and even though the one under consideration ticks all your boxes, you know that in the past…

The Qualities That Make A Good Partner

  It is an interesting exercise to consider how certain hobbies reveal particular traits in participants – if you look at someone sporty as a potential romantic partner for instance, this is what you might find:   1 Good timekeeping – you can neither be late for a round of golf, a tennis match nor…

The Demise of the Dating App and Online Dating.

Daters are turning away from the online options. Finding the right partner is one of life’s greater challenges and worth your effort and investment. Where should you be looking? Let’s look at some of the things you would be wise to consider before making your choice. Dating Apps Dating apps require little information, personal or…

Spring Dating Ideas

  With the prospect of warmer weather, at Sara Eden our thoughts turn to suggestions as to where you might invite your date. It’s wise to decide what impression you want to make. I’m concentrating on the most likely option this time, but of course there are many more and I may return to this…

Reality Check

    If you are considering joining a matchmaking agency in the near future it is worth taking a moment to consider these key points. They will help you understand what to expect so that you can get the very best from what is an exciting adventure – the chance to meet like minded individuals…

easter love

Easter Love

  Easter is a time to pause. Life has been pell mell since New Year, light levels and temperatures have been low and the desire for the new has understandably been lacking. Now the evenings are lighter and with the prospect of a long weekend ahead it’s time to exhale and relax. Pretty much everyone…


Relax It’s A First Date

  After two years of Covid you may feel that’s your main topic of conversation and if you haven’t been out and about as much as before (surprise!) you may be feeling a little wary about meeting someone new with a view to starting a relationship. Here are a few things to bear in mind:…

woman texting on phone

Pre Date Communication

    You have chosen a profile; the connection has been made and you have spoken to your date and arranged to meet up. The date is in five days’ time.  So far, so good.  Now it’s the day before and neither you nor your date has reached out via text yet, so who should…

Losing Your Sense of Self in a Relationship

    Many daters fear losing their sense of self when they are in a relationship and if they see signs that is happening can give up too quickly. Some people, who have already experienced this, shy away from dating altogether for fear of doing so. Healthy relationships rely on both parties continuing to operate…

Can We Manifest Love?

  Reading an article about manifestation recently, I asked myself if this might be a tool of use in the arsenal of those looking for love, or just magical thinking for the I-should-get-what-I-want-brigade. Can we wish love into our lives or is that a dangerous thing to attempt? Be Careful What You Wish For We…

This Valentine’s Day

  If you are single, make 14th February 2022 the day you tell yourself that things must change. You’ve been through a lot in the last 22 months, professionally and personally and it is time that you found that special person who will make all the difference in the world to your future. You already…

How To Avoid Dating Fraud

  It’s a worrying fact that dating fraud scams are on the rise. Mind you, it is hardly surprising, given that we are all susceptible to magical beliefs when it comes to love. Those of us who live alone have experienced significant social isolation during the pandemic could be especially at risk. What can we…

Dating Trends 2022

  Latest research has revealed the impact of the pandemic on those looking for love.While this is research from the world of online dating, we anticipate that some of the trends identified are pertinent the the arena of elite dating agencies too. Fast-Forwarding: This heralds a much more realistic and achievable shift in expectations and…

Love at Christmas

  Christmas 2021 is almost here! At Sara Eden we are hoping that it is going to be an especially wonderful festive season this year, after all we have endured in the last 18 months. This is what we want Santa to bring you: 1 Optimism for the Future It’s been bleak, but it can…

No Trust, No Relationship.

Trust is a MUST in a relationship. It does not matter whether you are talking about being faithful, financial matters or simply sticking to promises. If you cannot trust your partner your relationship will never work long-term. There are lots of reasons why you cannot trust someone. They have been unfaithful or untrustworthy in the…

Don’t Keep Repeating The Same Dating Mistakes

  I am forever surprised at just how many intelligent people keep making the same dating mistakes time after time. If your ex was a disaster surely, you would steer clear from anyone who reminded you of them. Perhaps your ex was possessive, jealous, and overly controlling so you ended the relationship. If you can…

Spring Is In The Air……

  It may be just wishful thinking on my part but on my morning walk yesterday the signs of spring were definitely in the air, it was a joy to see the first signs of leaves becoming greener, a few flowers brave enough to go into bud, feeling the sun on my face and the…