If you are single just now and would rather not be, you are probably feeling somewhat despondent. With all the anxiety around work, the health of vulnerable friends and family, on top of your own, the prospect of being alone now heaps on more misery.
But, your single status is not something you should stress about – this may sound harsh, but it is what it is and the faster you accept it the easier life will feel. It is not going to last forever but if you want to feel more at peace with it, then it’s time for a bit of perspective.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t make love happen and furthermore if you try to force it, you will be perceived as controlling or needy, neither of which are good looks. Relax and consider ways in which, when restrictions are lifted, you can make new connections, whilst also making that extra effort to connect with everyone you already know, virtually. Say yes to every invite to join in quizzes, drinks and so on via Zoom or any other platform via which you can see people. It is never a waste of your time: friends have friends you may not know.
No-one is to blame for the fact you are single. Many meetings that become love matches are down to luck more than anything. Luck happens to positive, optimistic people, who do good for others without consideration of what they might receive in return. These folk radiate qualities that draw others towards them, curious to find out more. That curiosity is the first step. You will already be loveable, so the rest is easy! The solution, as always, lies within you. If you complain and blame others for your situation, rather than examining your behaviour and your choices, then you will exude negative energy and romance will be impossible to achieve.
Rely on your own instincts, value yourself for who and how you are and enjoy your own company and Love will come looking for you before you know it!
Karen X