After over a year together David and Louise split up at the end of September – he wanted to re locate to the coast – she didn’t. What fantastic news we have just had in the form of an email from each of them. See below (we have permission to Blog their fantastic news).
Dear Karen and Debbie
I regret to inform you that I will be unable to come over to Windsor to see you in January as discussed.
At long last we have come to an amicable agreement on where to live and on New Year’s Eve I asked Louise if she would like to spend the rest of her life with me.
I’m pleased to say, she said yes.
All our love and best wishes to you and the team. And thank you for your perseverance with what must surely be your longest customer!
Love David.
P.s. Happy New Year to you all and we’ll come over and see you both soon! Xx
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Karen and Debbie
I was going to come in to see you in January to look through some further profiles following the break up with David.
However, things have changed and I no longer need to come in. On New Year’s Eve David asked me if I would spend the rest of my life with him. My answer was an unequivocal YES. We are both on “Cloud nine” and so happy together.
Thank you so much. We have discussed perhaps having a commitment ceremony, not necessarily marriage, it’s all to be decided.
Kind regards and wishing you all a happy New Year.