Dear Karen
Thank you so much for coming to our 25th Wedding Anniversary celebrations, it would not have been the same without you there, well we wouldn’t have met without Sara Eden!
I have attached some photos for you and please feel free to use them in any promotional activity.
As you know I always recommend Sara Eden to people I come across who are looking for a partner and several of them have been lucky like us and have also found their partner via your wonderful services.
I am so sorry that the whole of Ian’s speech did not record as much of it was about Sara Eden. We always tell the story about you turning him away when he first came to see you as it was too soon after the death of his wife to start dating again. When driving home through Windsor Great Park he thought to himself, “how dare they say I’m not ready, how am I going to tell my friends I have been turned away from a dating agency!” But then concluded thank goodness you did as he was definitely NOT ready.
Once again thank you, stay in touch and we look forward to seeing you, Debbie and the girls at your 30th Anniversary bash!
Cherry X