From: Laura
Sent: 29 August 2017 10:30
To: london <


Subject: Re: Thank you
Hi Karen,
Yes we would be happy to tell our story to help others, if it’s alright we would like to remain anonymous though due to work commitments but would love for others to hear how amazing you all are and hopefully it will encourage them to take this step too!  I have changed our names and are happy for you to use this version.
Lots of love and thanks
Hi Sara Eden team,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you.
About 2.5 years ago I came into your London office and met Mary not sure what to expect and now thanks to your help am happily married to an amazing guy, in fact the one of my dreams!
I couldn’t have imagined at that time when I came to see you the journey that lay ahead but what a journey it has been.  From nervously coming to see you not knowing what to expect to writing down what I was looking for in a partner (which is brilliant by the way as it really focuses your mind on what you really want or are looking for) to getting the photos taken for the profile… all things that were very alien to me but actually turned out to be quite a lot of fun!
I remember reading the articles you sent giving advice on dating. So I went into the process with a very open mind focused on what I wanted and what I had to give but not expecting too much.  My story went very differently…..with kind guidance from you I selected the first 6 dates….as the responses came in the second person I spoke to was a lovely guy. I went on my first Sara Eden date. Now it was the first one so my main aim was to have a nice time in good company….if I could do that then I felt it would be a great start. As it turned out we spent 4 hours talking in a lovely bar (he arranged the date) in central London. The 4 hours went very quickly in fact I didn’t even notice the time go by!  After that we had a few more dates and talked endlessly about ourselves, each other and what we were looking for in a partner.
Things went from there and we had a brilliant 1st year together, our main challenges have been living in different cities and we have clocked up a lot of miles travelling over the last couple of years but it’s all worth it for the right person!
So fast forward 2 years and we got engaged a year from the date we met. we are now married and I am now a step mum (which I love!). We have been on quite a journey together. We have had challenges and the practicalities of living in different cities has not always been easy, but through hard work and having an amazing partner we have worked through it positively and I very much look forward to the next chapter in our lives.
So thank you so much for everything and for helping me think about what I really wanted from a life partner and for introducing me to this amazing person, who is kind, funny, loving, challenging (in a good way) and hard working. He is also an amazing parent, who had taught me what it means to be a loving step mother. He is  family orientated, attentive, so very clever and charismatic!  We have each brought a fantastic group of family and friends together who provide us with great support.  I know how lucky I am to have him and know that we can work through anything together!
Thank you, you have truly transformed our lives!
Laura x
From: Stewart
Sent: 29 August 2017 13:02
To: london <


Subject: RE: Thank you
To Sara Eden
I found through Sara Eden a truly inspirational person who has taken me on the journey I could only dream about. I joined never thinking I would find  someone as amazing as Laura.
The next chapter of my life I am very excited about. I thought my time in India would never be equalled but being here on honeymoon with Laura does.
I know I have written to Sara Eden before to say how happy I am and as time goes by I am just as happy. We have already started towards this next phase and I can’t wait to bring it together as I know we absolutely will.
Thank you Sara Eden and please pass this on to Angela (I don’t have her email address to hand) for finding me this beautiful, clever, fascinating, funny, fantastic mother to my children and all round amazing person who I am very proud to call my wife.
Stewart x